Local History

To request a copy of an obituary,  please email the department at genealogyrequest@brazil.lib.in.us with a detailed request.  Obituaries are emailed as a BMP or PDF file (please state which you prefer in your request).  If you send a request using a gmail email address, you may wish to include an alternate email address for a response, as our provider and gmail don’t always work well together for some reason. 

Do to staffing, the library is not able to do lengthy or in-depth searches.   If you require such, you may either contact the Clay County Genealogy Library at https://www.ccgsilib.org/ with a request.  Thank you.

Here are a lists of some of the items at the Brazil Public Library that may help you with your family history research.  (Files will open in a new tab)

Helpful External Links (links will open in a new tab)